Friday, July 8, 2016

At Least Peter Got Out of the Boat!

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Judging others is so easy, just focus on their weaknesses and then self-righteously point out their failings. I know I can tempted by this sin as I focus not on my God, my Lord, and my Jesus, but on my fellow man.

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I look to Peter in the boat during a storm in the middle of the night and I am grateful for his example. Of all the disciples, he was the only one who got out of the boat!  He was a little messy in his leadership, but at least he took action. How many of are frozen in fear and don't get out the boat even when we hear the Lord calling to us, telling us to take that first step of faith?

Peter always seemed to come up wanting (like me), yet still pursuing His Lord. Out of the twelve in that boat, Peter was the only one who got out a perfectly good vessel and asked Jesus help him walk on water in the middle of a storm.  He had his eyes on his God in the flesh, not on the storm.

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Only when Peter diverted his focus from Jesus to the piercing pain from the waves and howling wind, he started to sink. Isn't that like us? As soon as our trial becomes too intense, we can't seem to tear our eyes from it; it consumes our entire lives.  We forget our God. But what did Jesus do with Peter? He had mercy on him, grabbed his hand and lifted him into the boat.  Then Jesus asked him, "Why did you doubt?" (Matt 14:22-23 NIV).

Isn't that just like us?

When I look to God and Jesus, there is NO doubt I come up short.  When I look to my fellow man (even Peter), I quickly point out the speck in their eye while they have to duck to avoid my plank that is about to clobber them (Matt 7:3 NIV)!

Leaders are not perfect, they are obedient to their calling.  I think we can so fervently point to other's weaknesses and then justify our own. I believe this grieves God.  "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 NIV).

We can look to our leaders both in the church (like Peter) and outside the church and condemn them in self-righteousness like a non-believer, and forget Jesus's new commandment, that:

 We love one another.  
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  
By this everyone will know that you are my disciple, 
if you love one another.
(John 13:34b-35 NIV)

I think of Simon Peter, that despite his flaws, Jesus promised to build his church upon him. Peter, who denied Jesus three times during our Lord's darkest hours, sank in the storm waters when he took his eyes off Jesus and then sheepishly acknowledged his love for his Lord publicly not one but three times.
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Are we all like Peter?  

Aren't we all in desperate need of forgiveness and grace that only comes from the cross of Jesus Christ?  

Aren't we all like wicked sinners who are slow to forgive and show love to those who have sinned against us? 

Aren't we all in desperate need to God's love which is only accessed through belief in the shed blood of Jesus Christ?

And don't we need to show that love to others when they (just like us) don't deserve it?

Let us get on our knees, pray to God for one another especially those who have sinned against us and our leaders, and show Christ's love so that the world can see who we really belong to.

We are Christ's children and a great price was paid for us.  We bare the mark of our Redeemer.  We are covered in his blood and washed clean.

Let us keep our focus on God and show love.  And maybe even a little fruit...


  1. Thank you for this, Kim. What an excellent reminder of our need for God's grace. Your blog presentation is lovely with the graphics so nicely placed. Keep sharing your gifts and many blessings with your soon coming book!

  2. Thanks so much Carol! May the Lord continue to bless the fruit of your hands!
