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In our culture of super-sizing, bigger isn't always better. Size isn't important at all, especially when it comes to faith. That is, the amount of our faith not in the situation, not with the problem, and/or not in the person. Rather, faith in
(knowledge and understanding) of whom we are praying to. So, faith is a clear
comprehension of who our God is, not how big our problems are. As we see from the image above of the foggy path ahead of us, "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not
seen" (Hebrews 11:1 ESV). We need not worry about the fog or trying to figure everything out. God has that part already figured out.

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We only need such a small amount of faith in our HUGE
God. Faith the size of tiny grain will suffice. Jesus said, "if
you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain,
'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for
you" (Matthew 17:20 ESV). Even Jesus tells us to not be concerned
with the size of the mountain (our problems), but rather focus on the source of
our faith, our very BIG God, who can easily move mountains, because NOTHING is
IMPOSSIBLE for GOD (Luke 1:37 ESV).
"For whatever we focus on gets bigger: if we focus on our
problems, they get bigger, if we focus on our God, then our God gets bigger
than our problems." (Deep Waters: Lift Your Gaze by Kim Clark)
Make sure you and your family are focused on the right thing for 2018. May the Lord continue to richly bless you and your family in the new year.

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